Shaped by Light 

Wanting to find the one I’ll live with for the rest of my life but I keep running into counterfeits. 
God help me keep a pure heart. 
Help my wondering mind.
Please listen Lord, I know you do. 

I know you can do anything so Lord help me be patient and lead me to the one you’ve prepared me for. 
Help me treat this body with respect as the temple you dwell in.  
Help me remember who I am in you, not because I did anything but because of who you are. 

Shape us with your kindness.
Refine us with your love. 
Teach us your truths daily. 
And help us hold onto that eternal hope. 

When this generation teaches to test the waters before commitment what is it that you actually want Lord? 
Struggling, struggling like I’m swimming in the sea but the waves keep crashing over.
I’m only barely jumping over them Lord.
But you’re my strength. I wasn’t untouched by the waves but you strengthened me enough to overcome them. 

Instead of trying to find a home in another person help me find my home in you Lord. 
Show me the path that leads to you.
I know not why but you choose to redeem and restore, you put a new heart in me.
I trust in you. I love you. 

Maybe its your character. It’s in your nature to give mercy over judgement.
Your kindness radiates from those childrens’ faces.
You’re so beautiful Lord, the way you work.
You make it all worth it.

These dreams and visions you gave me for a reason. 
Please put good use to them.
Equip me for what lays ahead. 

Help me persevere and endure the pains and dread. 
Also help me know how to help my dear friends and family. 
Place light in my eyes to see through to the end. 
