Beanie 4 Trace

Knitting Trace’s Trinity Beanie

Image 1: Knitting in Progress
Image 2:  Screenshot of Excel knitting pattern
Image 3: Completed Beanie (📷:Trace A.)

About the Knitting

This was a very experimental piece so there is an excel spreadsheet that I constantly adjusted (as knitting depends on the thickness of the yarn & the needles + tension).  Refer to the Excel Spreadsheet above.  This follows a ribbing stitch at the bottom (switching between knit & purl stitches for the elastic-like rim), then switches to a stocking stitch (i.e. on right side up are knit stitch rows, on back side are purl stitch rows).  Really shows how much of an amateur knitter I am, not knowing when to decrease stitches for the curvature at the top of the beanie & having not used circular needles, but it’s fun nevertheless!  

See for details regarding yarn & recommended needle sizes (I used size 3 Pony knitting needles, however if you want tighter knits you may want to use 2.5 or 2.75mm knitting needles instead).  

Meaning Behind the Piece

There’s a crown at the rim that represents the fact that we are adopted children of God through Christ.  It says “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light” in 1 Peter 2:9 (p.s. thanks Clarice, I still remember this verse because of you). 

To whoever who wonders why there’s a clover – this represents the Holy Trinity, specifically the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit !  I actually first came across this through Veggietales in Koorong as a child (see, where I learnt my birthday coincides with St. Patrick’s Day!  To be truthful it’s difficult to celebrate sometimes because I can’t help but think of the beloved people lost, but God still never ceases to bring treasured moments with beautiful people who help most the time without them even realising how much joy & light they bring (including awesome Irish people :’) such as Rend Collective).

The modified “t” on Trace’s name/clover side is to represent a cross as well as being similar to the Chinese characters “big” (大) or “up” (上), & most similar to “earth” (土).  Easter is a time for remembering Christ’s life, death & resurrection.  He came to Earth & battled with life just like we do.  Hence, He understands our struggles & weakness, & chose to have compassion for us.  This seemingly impossible but essential love, is the greatest inspiration.  It wasn’t supposed to look like a plus or minus sign in front of race, but if you wanna go with that, it makes me think about how God value(d/s) us so much that He sent His Son.  Doesn’t that challenge us to also value & love one another regardless of differences.  We all have insecurities or wounds but do we need to let those make us tear each other apart?  Wouldn’t it be boring if we were all the same?

Lastly, the green pom pom at the top symbolises the new life through Christ, the spring of His Spirit. Read Rev. 21! The end of verse 6 says “… To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life”.

Disclaimer: I’ve been told that I don’t understand politics e.g. the umbrella protests in HK, so I’m guessing similar goes for other the Black Lives Matter movement as well as the history in Ireland that I had no idea about until very recently.  Argh I can’t say I do understand the bible, politics or even conflicts completely, but its everywhere.  My hope is in His love, knowing that it conquers all our dissensions in all tenses.

Thoughts & Reflections

May His Holy Spirit always move amongst us as Christ remains the centre of our lives.  

Aren’t the three crosses on Calvary’s Hill such beautiful reminders of how important the state of our hearts are to God?  

Image 4: Clovers in Pathway 

This photo doesn’t do justice but I love the constant reminders that He is with us whether it’s through awesome interactions with people or clovers shooting up in all directions.

May His love, joy & peace always surround you & lead you!  