Lord, you are the perfect peacemaker.
Unconditional in giving love.
Forgiving. To the extent of death.
Giving hope in situations with no hope.
Deep rest and strength to all ages.
All-powerful, almighty, strong enough to overcome
any stronghold, prejudice or hatred.
You’re truth, life and love.
You can take away and you restore.
You test us through it all.
In each battle you promise us with your presence.
You tell us to have no fear of what mere man can do.
You draw us closer to you.
Hating the mistrust and sin separating us.
Making us new in Your Son.
When fears crowd my mind you enter in with truth.
Then you listen to me speak.
You let me thank you for things even not yet come.
How great you are, my King.
My counsellor, my comforter.
Now my heart may rest.
What great love you gave.
And when I wake each day let me remember your great love.
Let me remember to forgive.
Let me remember to be slower to speak.
Patient and persevering in love.
Thank you my Lord,
Thank you my love.
In Jesus name I pray,